Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is there a higher power?

If you could be a god what would you do with your supernatural ability (powers)?

Do you believe there is a higher power? Why or why not, please explain.

Do you believe there could be many god's as represented by other religions, or do you believe there is one God? Please explain.

Psalm 33:6-9

What does this passage say God is like?
What stands out to you most personally? Why?
How might this passage help you address the question: "Is there a God?

Colossians 1:15-20

If there is a God, what does this passage say this God wants with you?
Would you want to know this God personally? Explain.

Revelations 1:5b-6

Why do you think Jesus might want to be in relationship with us?
Please reflect on this silently: Do you think you want to be in a relationship with Jesus?
Consider: Is it possible that the creator of the world created you to be awesomely, wonderfully unique?  Different from everyone else?  Explore the idea that, as the Bible says, God  holds you tightly...loves you fiercely...and wants to be with you forever.


  1. I belive, NO I KNOW that there is only one God, how do i know, simple THE BIBLE. the Bible says that God is the one and only God and he will ever be. HOw do i know the bible is real? how do you konw its true? alot of people ask me that. I simply answere resonably, Jesus was or sorry is living proof that the bible is real. Plus the way ive expierinced God and the way he has touched my heart and how i can feel the joy he has given me, I know.

  2. that is a great answer. One of the biggest tools you have to talk about God is by way of your personal relationship with Him. People are willing to listen to life stories. Stories of any type connect emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc. of all people to something; that something could be a memory, idea, whatever. People will connect with you and Jesus when you share your story.

    Here is a question for you. How can you prove that Jesus was real, and did what He has down without using the Bible?
